Health is everything. More than Wealth; More than any other material things in Life. Rotary Coimbatore Central has helped establish many projects in the field of Health Care and has created a lasting impact in the city of Coimbatore in South India. Some of our projects include.
Home is everything. Whether a bad day at work or a promotion at job.
The first thing that comes to the mind is getting home.
Our homes are our biggest comfort zones.
It becomes imperative to help the needy build theirs.
Rotary Coimbatore Central has always kept its best foot forward when it comes to shelter. With the construction of hundreds of houses over the years, We have impacted the lives of generations.
We have also lent our hand towards the construction of hundreds of Toilet blocks for schools, homes and the public.
Some projects include,
Rotary Coimbatore Central has always aimed to provide support to children and youth of the country. After all,
Yesterdays children are Todays Youth
And Todays Youth Steer the Nation Forward.
Our classroom construction projects, health awareness projects, education projects, community projects and impact drives help children realize their potential and guide them in the right direction.
Our vocational programs for women and youth empowerment programs have helped thousands of youth stand on their feet and raise an independent family.
This has contributed to nation-building and creating a better future.
Rotary Coimbatore Central believes in its duty in leaving behind a better and a habitable environment for its future generation. With climate change and seasonal calamities, Environmental projects are the need of the hour.
Our club has focused on environment right from the beginning and planted more than 1,00,000 saplings in the Tamil Nadu area.
Water scarcity is a major issue driving nations into a jeopardy. We have undertaken projects such as project lily to navigate this crisis.
Under this project Rotary Coimbatore Central in association with Siruthuli has rejuvenated Kolarampathy Tank in the outskirts of Coimbatore in South India.